
AULAMAR participants -both students and faculty- survey results.

How do you identify yourself?

(Question for students only)


(Question for students only)

Are you a regular user of Barcelona’s beaches?

If yes, what do you do?

Before participating in Aulamar workshops…

Are in interested in knowing the quality of Barcelona’s seawater?

Do you think the quality of Barcelona’s seawater can affect your diet?

After participating in Aulamar workshops…

Do you think Barcelona’s coastal waters have pollutants?

Do you think the quality of Barcelona’s seawater can affect your diet?

Do you think urban activity and tourism can affect the quality of Barcelona’s seawater?

Do you think it is necessary to take measures to protect Barcelona’s coast?

Do you think plastics dumped in the sea can affect the feeding habits of fish and marine animals?

Have you taken any new measures to reduce the climate change and sea pollution?

In the last session, were you aware of the packaging of the food you used to prepare your dish?

Do you think that, when you start work, you will be aware of the plastics you use in the kitchen?