Patí's Blog

Category: Articles

Patí Científic’s sensors

Surface measurements. Atlas Scientific sensors PatíCientífic is equipped with a Smart Citizen station for monitoring seawater quality developed by Fab Lab Barcelona. Temperature PT-1000 is a temperature sensor with a range from -200ºC to 850ºC. It is comprised of an ohmmeter that measures the electrical resistance of a platinum resistor. The electrical resistance of the platinum […]

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Patí Científic’s nets

The Patí Científic is equipped with two nets for plastic collection developed by the Barcelona School of Nautical Studies, Polytechnic University of Catalonia. Net for collecting litter Developed by the FNB-UPC, this net allows the collection of plastics and other floating objects, such as plastic bags, bottles, cans or facemasks. The net can be folded down […]

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